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GCSE Physics - Electricity 4 - Relays, LDRs and Thermistors
GCSE Physics Revision "Thermistors"
Light-Dependent Resistors (LDRs) and Thermistors - GCSE Physics Revision
LDRs and Thermistors in Circuits - GCSE Physics
GCSE Physics - Components #19
GCSE Physics Revision "Light-Dependent Resistors"
IV Graphs - LDR, Thermistor and Bulb - GCSE Electricity Exam Question Walkthrough
LDRs and Thermistors - GCSE Physics Worksheet Answers EXPLAINED
LDR, Thermistors and Sensing Circuits | GCSE Physics
I V Graphs Explained + Thermistors and LDRs | GCSE Science | Physics | Get To Know Science
Thermistor on a series circuit - IGCSE Physics - past paper question
LDRs and Thermistors